Monday, August 17, 2009

Vick back in the NFL

As most of you already know Michael Vick signed a deal with the Philadelphia Eagles, which resulted in somewhat of a media circus. You got fans on both sides of this issue, some believe everybody deserves a second chance and others think that someone like Mike Vick doesn't deserve that chance. I am on the side that everybody deserves a second chance. Vick did a horrible disgusting thing that can never be forgiven, but he served his time and paid his debt to society. I am never going to agree for what he did but i always thought we were a forgiving society, and i also think the Eagles fans are overreacting just a little bit. Some fans went as far as saying that they were going to boycott the team and turn in their season tickets. I guarantee the first time Vick scores or makes a run of 40 yards or so the Eagles fans will cheer for him like he has been there for years. I also think Vick has been beaten up way to much in the press and the court of public opinion. How many guys in the NFL or for that matter MLB, NBA or NHL, have in one way or another done something wrong in their personal life. Whether it be taking drugs, abusing women, cheating on their wives you name it most athletes have done it. And for the most part those guys haven't faced half the crap Mike Vick has had to put up with. I want to say this again so people don't think i condone what Vick did, what he did was the most disgusting, horrible act I've heard in a long time, but if Vick is truly sorry and turns into a choir boy and is the perfect teammate and citizen i don't see the problem in letting him play for the NFL.

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