Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Say it aint Sosa

On ESPN earlier today they reported that Sammy Sosa is another of the 104 names that tested positive back in 2003. Two questions come up in my mind, is anyone surprised or does anyone care. When Sosa was at the congressional hearing he all of a sudden forgot how to speak english. So ever since then there has been a cloud of suspicion over Sammy's head. Also the man hit 60 home runs in a season three times, before 1998 it had happened twice in the entire history of baseball if that doesn't raise eyebrows i don't know what does. There is a more glaring problem in this story to me if you are going to release one or two names from this 104 person list you have to release them all. Whether you like or dislike Sosa and A-Rod is irrelevant it is not fair that you pick and choose what names you decide to release. This steroid era is never going away i can accept that but if you release just one name every 4 to 5 months your just prolonging it more than it should be. Now obviously this all but ends Sosa's chance to be in the Hall of Fame as many writers have vowed to never vote for anyone linked to steroid use. It is bad enough that any names were released at all this was suppose to be anonymous just for Major League Baseball to see what kind of problem they had, why these tests weren't destroyed i don't think anybody will ever know. But they should do the right thing and release the rest of the 102 players, Sosa and A-Rod should not have to carry this by themselves when over 100 players are guilty of the same thing.

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