Monday, February 9, 2009

A-Rod admits '03 Steroid Allegations.

Earlier today on ESPN in an interview with Peter Gammons, Alex Rodriguez admitted using Performance enhancing drugs during the 2001, 2002 and 2003 seasons. A-Rod said he felt he had to live up to the $250 million contract so he took the steroids to increase his performance. He also stated in the interview that he really didn't know exactly what he was taking which to me is hard to believe. I cant understand how a professional athlete can put drugs into his body without knowing what they are, if you do you are a complete moron. Now we will question what effect this will have on Rodriguez's legacy. In the 3 years in question he had 2 of 3 50 home run seasons. Does this also mean he is not going to be in the Hall of Fame. He will definitely have the numbers but now knowing that he cheated will the voters look past that. Rodriguez will now always have a black cloud over him and his accomplishments. Another part of this story is why was his name leaked, this was suppose to be an anonymous test of over 1,000 players back in 2003 just to see what kind of problem baseball had. The fact that his name is the only one of 104 that was released is wrong in its own right. This was the worst possible thing to happen to baseball because by the time A-Rod retires he might be the all time home run leader, which means the top 2 Home run hitters will have their names linked to steroids. It's unfortunate for America;s Pasttime.

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